Department Aims
As a department we actively endorse the school’s policy and strategic intent. We will ensure that all pupils are taught the skills required to develop all areas of literacy and to be successful in the subjects of English, ESOL and Media. We endeavour to provide pupils with a range of stimulating and challenging lessons in a supportive and nurturing environment.
Mrs K Keogh - Principal Teacher
Mr M Daly
Miss S Gillick
Miss G Hitchon
Miss B Wakefield
Miss J Thomson
Ms K Connolly
Ms K Potter
All pupils embark on a broad general education that covers: Reading, Writing, Talking and Listening aiming for 3rd and 4th levels in the BGE. All pupils will be screened in S1 and strategies and support will be put in place to allow all pupils access to these courses. Pupils identified as requiring additional support will also follow BGE course work but with more emphasis on improving literacy. The courses offered in the English Department are designed to provide progression through the Broad General Education towards gaining qualifications in the senior phase. In the Senior Phase we offer National Qualifications (N5, Higher and Advanced Higher) in English, (N5 & Higher) in Media and ESOL. We also offer NC in Literature & Communication for S6 pupils.