John Paul Academy

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The High Street Challenge - S3 Business students took part in the High Street Challenge Day run by Young Enterprise Scotland. They were tasked with developing a new high street store to fill a gap in the market and revive struggling high streets. After an intense day of problem solving and decision making activities, the successful team presented a very sound proposal to the YES judges who commended them on their USP combining a range of different world cuisines into the one restaurant.

Dragon's Den - The S2 BIT classes took part in a Dragon's Den in the run up to the Easter break. Classes were asked to come up with a Marketing Strategy for a new Easter Egg product. Each group worked hard to develop some very unique ideas which was presented to a panel of 4 Dragons. After some very careful and difficult decisions the 'Lego' group were successful with their unique product design and ideas to incorporate a range of different miniature lego characters with each Easter Egg. We hope that their enterprising ideas will inspire them to become successful entrepreneurs in the future.


Some examples of recent trips include;

S2 BIT classes: As part of their Event Planning topic S2 organised an event which included team work, planning, problem solving and decision making activities to ensure that an event was successful. We had a fantastic trip to the Time Capsule in Coatbridge as a result.

S4 Business Management: Visited the Albert Bartlett factory in Airdrie to see a local Scottish business in action. A full factory floor tour was undertaken along with a detailed presentation showing the growth of the business and the success of their marketing strategy to enable this.