Glasgow City Council's 'Connected Learning' programme has ensured that ALL secondary pupils have their own iPad to assist them in learning in school and at home. During the pandemic, this has been invaluable in enabling us to continue delivering education whilst schools were closed. At John Paul Academy we have committed to using Microsoft Teams to create online classrooms, enabling resources to be stored and shared with learners. In addition Teams enabled teachers to continue delivering live lessons using the Meetings function to connect via video to learners.
As we return to school, we will continue to use Teams in classrooms and for assigning work to learners. There may still be occasions where pupils have to self-isolate at home, using their iPads will enable them to keep in touch with the learning that is continuing in school. The following links contain helpful guides, videos and sites that can assist remote learning at home.
Please do not hesitate to contact our ICT Co-ordinator, Mrs Lynch, if you have any queries about using iPads at home.
We surveyed Pupils and Parents on their experience of Remote Learning during the Jan-Mar Lockdown - please find below the responses to these surveys.